I can’t believe I’ve lived in this area nearly my entire life save those 5 years of college and I’ve never stepped foot in Henry Coe State Park. Little known fact, Henry Coe is the 2nd biggest state park behind Anzo Borrego. It literally would take days to hike around its perimeter. So when I […]
Trillium Lake Snowshoeing
What do you do when you are running out of things to do in Portland during the winter? You slap on a pair of snowshoes and head out into the snow — that’s what you do. My brother and I decided that snowshoeing was a perfect outdoor endeavor in 25 degrees Fahrenheit with a slight […]
Moonlight Mission Peak
So what do you do when the days get short and the nights get cold? Do you stop hiking and curl up next to the fire with a nice warm hot chocolate like a sensible person? Of course you don’t you get creative and find new brave ‘opportunities’ to extend your hiking season. My S.O. […]
Sierra Azul Limekiln Loop
Even with the weather looking more New Zealand (changeable with a constant chance of precip) than California (sunny) we decided to press on with a tramp/hike/mud bowl with little regard to the ominous clouds on the horizon. Sierra Azul Open Space Preserve is a lightly used area that stretches from Lexington reservoir in the west […]
Pinnacles National Monument: Chalone Peak Trail
Yesterday we got up extra early, at least relatively early for the two of us, and made our way down past Hollister to Pinnacles National Monument. Earlier in March of this year we had done the very typical Pinnacles hike around the high peaks but this time we decided to get away from the crowds […]